Six new features in ios13 that never existed before!
Since the release of ios 13, many quick updates have begun to come down with this system, including new features that were not present in the previous operating systems of ios 13 as these features may help many fans of Apple devices that work with this new system in dealing easier and better than before .
These advantages that came successively in ios 13 system are to facilitate the handling of Apple devices and specifically iPhone and iPad, as all those advantages worked on them developers of this system seriously and significantly in order to make the environment dealing with the new Apple system assistant and save the time and effort of users, where we will review with you This highlighted the advantages that came in ios 13 that we see today in the latest system updates 13.2.
Optimal battery charging :
This new feature came with the goal of extending battery life specifically, as many users of Apple devices are accustomed to charging their phones and devices completely i.e. 100%but what most of you do not know that charging the phone battery to this extent can lead to the destruction of the battery quickly, but the function of this option is that The phone charges up to 80% which is the optimal capacity to charge the phone and the remaining 20% will be slower after this limit.
Use voice search on iPhone :
You can find the search bar in all Apple apps, but today you will notice something new that was not previously present in this tape, which is the appearance of a small microphone next to this tape, which is for doing searches for anything within these applications including settings and email as well as messaging applications As soon as you press at length on this icon and then enter the voice command and then remove the finger from this icon, the result of this search will appear to us.
Use the new drag bar :
While you are browsing in safari browser for a site you will notice the appearance of a new bar on the right side of the browser which is the drag bar, since this feature did not exist before in the systems that preceded ios 13, as this feature will help to identify where you are currently from the page as well as by clicking at length on this A bar will be able to navigate faster on the page we are on.
Share the photo with and without showing the location :
Now it is possible to share the image with the show of your site, as well as if you do not want to, you can cancel the option to show location of these images and save privacy in them, by identifying the image we want to share and then clicking on the photo options and going to the Option Of Location P Either we activate it or shut it down.
Delete apps from update screen :
There are a lot of applications that are installed in the phone that works in the iOs system so surely these applications need in each period to update and according to the updates provided by the developers of these programs these updates appear in the update screen, but if you want to prevent this application from updating and appear in a row The app that needs to be updated can do so by dragging this app from the right of the screen to the north and we will see the Delete option so we can then delete it.
Downloads Manager in Safari Browser :
Yes now there is a great feature in the browser of Apple devices which is safari browser, where this feature crystallizes in the download manager which appears in the toolbar in the browser while downloading any file, this feature will be a new icon appearwhile while there is a file downloaded. The file you upload will be saved directly in the download file in your iCloud Drive account.
Sincerely JUSTECH Team
Six new features in ios13 that never existed before!
Reviewed by Omar Chouman
11:01 AM

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