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How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2020 (NEW Strategy)

Every youtuber wants to get higher rankings on his/her video. Yet, they are struggling with that due to the low views amount on the videos but today we are going to be giving you 3 methods and tricks that you can implement to your youtube videos getting more views.

First Method : The Sequel Technique is a technique that make you target a popular video in your niche and then try to mess with its keyword variations. For example you can pick a certain video that is so popular in your specific niche and copy all the keywords since those can get you free. This technique can display your video in the suggested video which allows you to get thousands if not millions of views.

Second Method : A sweet trick you can do is copying that popular video tags since they play a huge role in filtering your video so you can copy the tags by a tool like TubeBuddy or something like that.

Third Method : Being creative at picking your thumbnails and choosing some attractive backgrounds can definitely help with filtering your video and getting a higher rank at SEO.

That was a small article trying to help you guys and upcoming youtubers with some tips on getting more views in 2020.

Sincerely JUSTECH Team!
How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2020 (NEW Strategy) Reviewed by Omar Chouman on 1:01 PM Rating: 5

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